
Extended until July 31

IFFO, a new international film event in the nation's capital, was set to launch this past March. While IFFO is postponed until 2021, its industry programming will move online this month. The IFFO Screen Summit is a 5-day event dedicated to strengthening and inspiring Ottawa's growing screen-based industries while addressing topics relevant to all Canadian industry professionals. 

From July 20 to 24, the IFFO Screen Summit Online will feature informative presentations, talks and networking events. This free event is made possible with the support of Ontario Creates.


Screen Summit Online live events were recorded and are now available to watch among the VOD content.

LIVE EVENTS video on demand

Register once to access all VOD content, including recorded live sessions, until July 31.



Made possible with the support of


The International Film Festival of Ottawa (IFFO), and IFFO Screen Summit, are part of the Canadian Film Institute, a non-profit cultural organization whose mission is to encourage and promote the production, diffusion, study, appreciation and use of moving images for cultural and educational purposes in Canada and abroad.

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Attending a webinar on BigMarker

Still can’t figure it out? Contact us at info@iffo.ca

Canadian Film Institute Sustaining Sponsors
